Steadiness of the Senior Security Team

Despite all of the changes around Chez Herd, the one thing we can all count on is the steadiness of the Senior Security Team.

Chief of Security Kiska scanning the fence line.

Chief of Security Kiska scanning the fence line.

While the Juniors are focused on welcoming and integrating the newbie into The Herd, the Seniors retain their serious focus on the security needs of Sibe Quentin.

Oh, please, don't make me laugh.

Oh, please, don’t make me laugh.

Uh, ok, fine. Chief of Security Kiska retains a serious focus on the security needs of Sibe Quentin. The Cotton Ball is no more serious than he has ever been.

I've got it. No worries.

I’ve got it. No worries.

P.S. – To answer the question so many of you have asked, Kiska and Qannik are just fine with Landon in the house. However, they have maintained their desire to avoid all bounciness and continue to stake out their own porch for sunning and other daily activities. All bounciness remains among the Junior Team. (And, yes, Landon has received the same scolding that Typhoon has received about speed limits in the house. He pays just as much attention).


  1. Juno's mom on October 26, 2016 at 11:51 am

    Sounds like things are going fairly smooth. Looking forward to Landon’s bio.

  2. Zoe on October 26, 2016 at 9:02 am

    She is still the most beautiful girl. Do you think their desire to be less bouncy comes from age, or are the older members still mourning the queens loss? Does Kiska have the queens. Rate now, and most importantly who is your navigator now that the queen has passed? Because, well the queen did seem to indicate Hu-dad needed assistance driving, even if he didn’t think so….

  3. Lori on October 26, 2016 at 7:48 am

    The most beautiful senior security team ever!

  4. The Painter Pack on October 26, 2016 at 6:28 am

    Your Head of Security is awesome! And we need more on Landon…love the name!

    Sherri, Painter Pack Mom

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