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Our tale for the day focuses on beautiful Cheoah trying to enjoy a peaceful time on the deck, but is trouble circling our heroine?
Shocking, we know, that Typhoon would be planning some mischief that would involve his sister. Perhaps we are just unfairly judging his intentions.
Cheoah does not exactly fit the bill of damsel in distress as she is quite capable of putting Typhoon in his place. Sometimes, though, she thinks it is good to have a big brother who enjoys playing the role of protector from the little brother.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Following on from Juno’s mom, I think the Hu-Dad would be a bit more bored without Typhoon to stir things up.
I think the herd would be a bit more bored without Typhoon around to stir things up.
Frankie Suave to the rescue ????
You sneaky thing Cheoah. Lol. Tyty I do believe she set you up baby boy.
Have a good day. Koda was loving this 64 degrees in Va Beach this morning and stubbornly walked away from me when I got out back to get him. He had the are you kidding me I’m a Sibe Mom look. Hazel on the other hand pottied gobbled up her breakfast and was back snuggled in bed with my husband. Lol
Typhoon’s expressions always make me laugh! He is too cute!