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Wednesday seemed to be a little better day for Queen Natasha with some food eaten and a few circuits around Sibe Quentin.
Much of the day was still spent napping under the Hu-Dad’s desk, but Natasha did eat some breakfast and even more dinner yesterday. Of course, Hu-Dad added some raw salmon to dinner last night. He does believe in playing dirty sometimes, but who can blame him? Ok, five other Siberian Huskies who could smell salmon might have complained a little.
As the day wore on, she asked to go outside several times so that she could do a couple of laps around the yard. Not quite as fast as last week, but it still made us all smile.
In case you were wondering, the Hu-Dad was not the only one watching her walks with great interest. The Chief of Security was never more than a few steps away.
P.S. – Thank you for all of the well wishes and good thoughts. Our philosophy is always to enjoy every day we have, no matter the quantity.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Prayers and Love for the Queen…..G-Pa
Wishing her more good days and special treats do help. Warm hugs from SoCal to the two-legged and 4-legged.
We’re so glad Natasha had a better day! I think maybe raw salmon EVERY day would be very good for her. Really. Trust me.
Nice to see her perked up. Lots of naps and special treats when we’re older is the way to go. (Their sense of taste, like ours, may be diminished with age.)
I feel your pain Queen! Enjoy the day!
Ah, QNTE, we know how your brain works – go a bit off food, and get salmon in return! Clever thinking! 🙂 Here’s to wishing for more good days!
-Fiona, Daisy, et al.
Mpm sez: Sure hope ‘Tasha makes it through the winter without too many problems. We knew there was no way Ice would, could, or even WANT to.
Hugz to The Queen from all of us up here in Dawson Creek BC.
(Mom, Dad, Unc, and last, but by no means least — Ebby!)