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Hu-Dad tackled one of the least fun household chores—window washing. Fortunately, we assisted every step of the way.
We have never understood how this works, but Hu-Dad always says we can be the best help if we go outside and play while he handles chores. This time, however, being outside was not a hindrance for us sticking our nose into his business. Literally.
We highly approve of the removal of screens and windows for our easy access to the house. Plus, with winter coming soon, that would allow all of that glorious cold air inside. Again, Hu-Dad makes no sense because he just shook his head at our suggestions. Plus, he didn’t seem thrilled with Cheoah pointing out muddy spots on the glass.
Again, Hu-Dad made that really weird suggestion that Cheoah could best help by going to play.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
I now miss the things my pets used to to that annoyed me. Those things were so insignificant compared to the joy they brought.
Cheese Wiz is a really good helper! Pointing out and creating more “doggie window art” !!
BTW just finished Sour Notes!!! It was a page turner. Having grown up in a small town myself it brought up alot of memories good and bad. It made me wonder how many wrong assumptions I still have about growing up! Well done!
Nothing like having a crazy redheaded Sibe to help with the chores!!
TOO funny Cheeze Wiz and her suggestions-lol. It seems nose and paw art is always part of having dogs. But I have to admit even though it gets difficult to clean it keeps me happy knowing THEY are happy!
You are removing hours of nose art!!
Of course you need oversight, clearly the Queen has granted a new title to
Cheoah, meet your new Artistic Director….
I hope you met her standards, the Queen is quite picky
Cheoah is definitely helpful. Otherwise you might never have found those pawprints and nose prints!
Nothing like a little nose art to brighten up any dingy window!!
Ohhh yes the forever nose paw art.
Mom, Ice ‘n Ebby say: Nothing like “doggy window art” to make a home look “lived in”. Paw prints and nose prints on the patio doors are a MUST! Ours look “beautiful” enough with only two Sibes, we can just imagine what “works of art” six Sibes could create!