Mouth-Watering Baking Aroma

A certain young helper wandered into the kitchen, attracted by the mouth-watering baking aroma that Hu-Dad was busy creating.

What ingredients do we have here?

What ingredients do we have here?

Hu-Dad had just finished sifting the dry ingredients and checked the recipe on his iPad. The ultimate kitchen supervisor had wandered in to assure that all quality control measures were being met.

Did you measure properly?

Did you measure properly?

Hu-Dad reminded Typhoon of kitchen etiquette rules, including the dreaded no paws on the counter rule. We know that is a very shocking requirement in our house, but Typhoon certainly knows how to comply.

No paws on the counter. No problem.

No paws on the counter. No problem.

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  1. All Things Collie on September 27, 2016 at 9:19 am

    Lol, that’s one way around the rules!

  2. Susan McManus on September 27, 2016 at 8:17 am

    Adorable Typhoon! Thank you for the chuckle. My Tokyo likes to supervise also

  3. Lori on September 27, 2016 at 7:25 am

    Just a little taste, huh, Typhoon… ????

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