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Once again, Queen Natasha is exasperated with the Hu-Dad. She just shakes her head at the inability to find good help around Chez Herd.
We were settling into bed for the night and going through our usual routines. Once in our sleeping spots, Hu-Dad gave Natasha her nighttime medicine (which includes peanut butter to make the medicine go down).
With that done, Hu-Dad started to get into bed when Natasha let out a loud bark. Hu-Dad looked at her and asked what was wrong.
Natasha barked.
Hu-Dad thought that maybe she had forgotten to take a bathroom break prior to bed, so he went to open the door.
Exasperated, Natasha barked one more time and stomped her way across the room and did this:
Yep. Hu-Dad forgot to give us our bedtime liver treat. He had to deliver treats to everyone and then the Queen allowed him to go to bed.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
That is adorable! She really has her routines.
Oh the dogmanity of it. The hoooman forgetting treats.
Forgot the liver treat?? Well…. I never…..