The Queen Has Still Got “It”

Senior citizen or not, Queen Natasha the Evil has still got “it”. Just ask Qannik after a little drive-by lesson in royal privilege.



Qannik was just innocently walking on the deck when the Queen decided that he needed a reminder of who was boss. He had not done anything disrespectful, other than maybe being within paw reach of Her Highness. Maybe she misunderstood the true meaning of “just reach out and touch someone.”

Notice Qannik's protest of the injustice is a little understated.

Notice Qannik’s protest of the injustice is a little understated – and Natasha’s response was anything but understated.

With her royal qualifications communicated yet again to another subject, Natasha was quite content with herself.

Of course I have still got "it."

Of course I have still got “it.”


  1. Mom, Ice'n Ebby on September 17, 2016 at 5:21 am

    Mom sez: Must be the age thing with Natasha, same as we think it is with our IceMan. He was 14 in June, and every once in awhile, for no particular reason we can see, he’ll walk past Ebby, and just take a grab at her ear, or try to push her down the deck steps onto the grass. Just to show they’ve “still got it”, as mentioned.

    • The Thundering Herd on September 17, 2016 at 6:32 am

      Queen Natasha has done things like this since she took over the pack at the ripe age of 3. She has well earned her “The Evil” tag.

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