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Bounces. Turns. Twists. Runs. Flies. The one and only Turbo Typhoon races around the yard for sheer entertainment and pleasure.
Pictures give you an idea how much he enjoys running, but video of him racing as fast as he can just show you the sheer joy. He loves his time racing around the yard and no one else can keep up. Out twisting and turning his siblings is a lot of the fun.
In this week’s Film Friday, we highlight Typhoon’s need for speed, but we also show how his siblings conspire to outwit his quickness. So put on your running shoes and join us for this week’s video:
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Mom sez: To me, there is nothing more joyful than to watch a Siberian Husky RUN! They are SO full of life, exuberance, and “all around happy” that it lifts MY spirits just to watch them!
I love to watch these guys run and play. You are so lucky to have them. I know they could be a handful at times, but you’re still lucky to have them. If it were possible, I’d go to heaven and bring mine back. Some pain never leaves your heart…never.
I love to see how happy he is to zoom.
I think Typoon’s new nickname should be “the flash”!