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When we talk about somepup’s need for speed, our readers know exactly who stars in the post. Typhoon’s motto – don’t walk when you can run.
To answer the obvious question, no one pursued. The rest of The Herd sat on the deck and watched the youngster circle the yard. Typhoon craves speed and action, so creates his own races when no one else wants to join.
The grin sums everything – the joy comes from the blur as the scenery flies by, from the wind in the fur, from the grass under the paws.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Mom sez: To me, watching a Siberian Husky in “flat out mode” is so absolutely beautiful, it leaves me in awe. Our Kiah, and then Ayla were both the same way.
Love to see the joy as Typhoon zooms around the yard. Did you have the name picked out before you saw him in action?
His name came from readers of the blog. He came to us named Ty, but prefer 2 or 3 syllable names because they are easier for a dog to identify (and Siberian Huskies need all the help they can get in the listening department). We posted about the various names we had come up with including “Ty”, and someone suggested Typhoon. Let’s just say it fit perfectly.
My Aries was the same way. He loved to run. He was a magnificent athlete. One time he was on each his what we called dog track and he leaped over a 5ft long table that we had in our back yard and my husband and I and a friend was sitting at the table. I would have loved to seen the look on all of our faces. I know it was in amazement and shock. I swear he was part deer. Have a wonderful day a day hugs and kisses to the herd.
You are artistry in motion sweetie pie!!