Small Request From The Cheesewhiz

Hu-Dad relaxed on the den couch until he received a small request from the Cheesewhiz. Who could possibly resist this face?

Hello, Hu-Dad. You don't look busy.

Hello, Hu-Dad. You don’t look busy.

Hu-Dad propped up on the couch, opened his iPad, and began reading. Cheoah considered this an invitation to join the Hu-Dad and snuggle up against him. And, of course, to suggest the Hu-Dad could do something other than just read.

Just one small request. You know my ears need scratching.

You know my ears need scratching.

Surprisingly, Hu-Dad found it very difficult to concentrate on his book while receiving the Cheesewhiz stare. Not surprisingly, he yielded fairly quickly and Cheoah received a lengthy ear scratching session.

Could you resist this face?

Could you resist this face?


  1. KJ Pierson on August 25, 2016 at 12:12 pm

    Leena does the same to me. If I sit down on the bed to watch tv or work on students homework, she immediately hits the bed and proceeds with the patented nose prod or worse, the claw.

  2. Lori on August 25, 2016 at 7:23 am

    I don’t think I’d ever get any work done with all the ear scratching and belly rubbing I’d want to do all day on those six precious babies!!!!

  3. Mom, Ice'n Ebby on August 25, 2016 at 4:16 am

    Mom sez: I’d think you’d have to be pretty cold-hearted to resist that face, all right. I’m thinking you, hu-Dad, are NOT that cold-hearted!

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