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Because of a series of errands – one involving us – the humans were late eating dinner. But that means the humans were delaying our games.
Natasha’s acupuncture appointment was late yesterday afternoon, so the Hu-Dad did not get back to the house until nearly 6 p.m. Normally, we eat around 5 and the humans right around the same time. Last night, the humans did not eat until almost 7. We were fed almost as soon as Hu-Dad got home, but that still meant our schedule was thrown by the after dinner (well, after our dinner) events.
For some odd reason, we get to enjoy outside time while the humans eat every night. Not sure why that is better because we can’t hang out in the dining room and watch them eat, but they seem to prefer it that way. Anyway, as soon as the dishes are cleared and the kitchen is clean, we come into the house for the evening. Since the humans were so late eating, that meant our re-entry into the house was very late. The bad news for the humans is that their dining room happens to face our porch, so we were able to express our displeasure clearly.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Can’t type tonight….wondering why the other sibs aren’t looking in as well. Sorry.
These guys are so funny. A late dinner, spoiled evening, poor babies. This picture of Typhoon looking in the window at the dinner table is priceless. Have to wonder why the others are looking in as well. The Hu-dad is so lucky to have all the sibs. So very lucky.
We get the woo woo routine when we’re off schedule. (I’ve often wished that I could be one of my dogs for a week and they could be me.)
He looks so irresistible as he expresses himself. How could you possibly say no to this pup?
Poor puppies! Thrown off schedule… It’s not easy being a herd of adorable Sibes!