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Do you have that one friend who is always right there, following every step of the way? Cheesewhiz sympathizes with you.
Typhoon dearly loves his sister. He follows here everywhere – when he is not physically attached to her trying to instigate a wrestling match of some sort.
While she is napping, he monitors for the slightest sign of movement. She opens an eye, rolls over, or shifts in any way, and he is right there prepared for games.
Sure, you might think it is cute. but Cheoah thinks it is more like a stalker.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
It’s cuz she is such a beauty!
Looks like she knows exactly how to deal with an annoying little brother 🙂
Me and my shadow… ????????
But what a cute stalker
I was wondering did you train them to go in their crates to sleep? I note the doors are never closed they seem to go there fairly automatically
They love the crates. Each has one outside on the deck, one inside the house, and one in the RV. Initially, they are trained that the crates are a good place by making sure only positive things happen there (they eat their meals inside their crates with doors closed – a huge advantage for controlling chaos during feeding time) and receive treats and/or praise when entering the crates. Quickly, the crate becomes a safety zone and they use them as dens. The doors remain open and they wander in and out as they want and are closed only for specific, safety reasons (eating, travel in the RV, etc.)