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Hu-Dad’s study seems like the perfect place for deep meditation. Unfortunately, someone was distracting the Queen’s thoughts.
Every afternoon, Queen Natasha spends an hour or so in Hu-Dad’s study for her one-on-one time. After a few minutes of special ear scratches, she stretches out under the desk to think about all of those weighty issues that leaders wrestle. Unfortunately, one persistent distraction exists.
Yes, the persistent puparazzi invades even the Queen’s contemplation time, much to her displeasure. She may not be able to prevent the photographer, but she does have a way to resist.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Mom, Ice’n Ebby all say: Smile or no smile, hu-Dad, ‘Tasha still has that “Queenly” look about her. At her age now, she’s still stunningly beautiful!
Beautiful queen on a beautiful rug!
Sweet, sweet face.
I thought she was going to close her eyes to you hu-dad!
I’m sorry about the pesky puparazzi Queen N…. But I sure am glad the don’t quit taking those pictures!!!