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As a working breed, we Siberian Huskies know the importance of stretching before exercising. So let us demonstrate the proper technique.
As the resident speed demon, Typhoon loves to zoom about our yard. Before kicking things into high gear, he warms up his muscles. This sprinting athlete understands the critical need of being limber. And notice that he is working both the rear and front legs.
With a proper warm-up completed, Typhoon fires up the engine for a good game of zoom-zoom. Remember, we are a working breed, so proceed at your own pace. In Typhoon’s case, that pace is supersonic.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Always listen to your dogs!! Stretching is very important.
Love that smile ? and the Doga! ?
LOVE these action shots of the Little Prince right before ZOOMIES!!!!!
Very good form Typhoon! Gotta keep those muscles in ready position!
Good reminder for all of us to stretch when we first wake up Typhoon.