When Dinner Guests Will Not Leave

What do you do when your dinner guests overstay their welcome and just will not leave? Tartok demonstrates how he handles the issue.

Are you still here? dinner guests

Are you still here?

Every other Saturday night, Hu-Dad ventures across the valley to the Hu-Grandmom’s house for dinner. Our cousins, Tartok and Ruby, are happy to entertain their biweekly guests. Well, Tartok is happy until his bedtime rolls around. At about 7 p.m.

Loud sighing.

Loud sighing.

Normally, Tartok will disappear back to the bedroom and curl up in his bed. But, with the heat of our summer, he says the deck with its breezes is far more comfortable. Well, it would be comfortable if talking humans was not interrupting his beauty sleep.

That Hu-Dad really does not take a hint.

That Hu-Dad really does not take a hint.

At nearly 8 o’clock, the Hu-Dad finally left. It might have been the setting sun. Or it might have been the cool evening breezes. Or, possibly, it might have been the heavy snoring.




  1. Pat and Rebel on July 10, 2016 at 11:43 am

    Awww, so cute. He is a great host and was nice when Hu-Dad did not take the hint from the look.

  2. Lori on July 10, 2016 at 7:45 am

    Awww Tartok life is just so tough as a party host… but you do an excellent job!

  3. Mom, Ice 'n Ebby on July 10, 2016 at 4:53 am

    Mom sez: Awww, Tartok, you are right. Some people just NEVER know when to go home.

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