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We have long joked that Qannik is the Court Jester in the Royal Court of Herd. Yesterday, though, Queen Natasha knighted him Sir Qannik.
Natasha has long considered Q-Tip to be her wrestling partner and pal. Of course, she enjoys him largely because he will do whatever she says. And he loses every contest to her. What’s not to love?
Knowing the Queen and her evil ways, however, Hu-Dad thought there might be one other explanation for the paw planted squarely on Q’s head.
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I just LOVE Queen Natasha KNIGHTING Qannik! I love the Way Back Wednesdays!
Qannik is the King of Hearts, now and always.
Always a joy to see the past members of the Herd. Queens Rule!!
Thank you for making me smile this morning. I started smiling before I started reading. It’s lovely to visit with members of The Herd who are at the rainbow bridge.
Love this ! Q-tip was a wonderful subject to the Queen ?
Mom sez: Just wondering if this is the Royal version of “I dub thee ….. “, or the Royal “put down”?
Every Queen needs a loyal subject to do her bidding, let her win and bow before her! Congratulations Sir Qannik on your dubbing!!! You are very adorable ❤️