Royal Prerogative

Queen Natasha commands her royal prerogative in every way – small and large. Bossing the Hu-Dad may be one of those prerogatives, but not her only one.

Security detail

Security detail.

For example, Chief of Security Kiska monitors the Queen’s movements, ready to spring to her defense as needed. The Secret Service should take lessons.

Handsome Bling.

Handsome Bling.

The Hu-Grandmom first identified her tolerance of Q-Tip as a desire to always have a handsome escort. Besides, Q loses all wrestling matches to her.

Surveying her Queendom

Surveying her Queendom

Most of all, a Queen surveys her royal subjects with satisfaction. True, she has to work hard to keep them in line, but they all obey her every command.

You are finished with that camera now, Hu-Dad.

Put away that camera now, Hu-Dad.

Yes, all of her subjects. And that includes the Hu-Dad.

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  1. Lori on June 29, 2016 at 6:54 am

    Ah yes a Queen’s work is never done Natasha❤️

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