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Heavy thunderstorms up here on the mountain ridges, so we were curing the rainy day blahs for some bored Siberian Huskies.
We have settled into the traditional summer pattern of weather – warm and humid with daily thunderstorms. We don’t mind the mountain definition of warm, since we had a high of 71ºF (22ºC) at the house, but those thunderstorms can be heavy.
We retreat to our covered porches (or inside as you will notice that four members are absent from the porch) and watch the rain, hoping for it to stop.
So how did we find a cure for our rainy day blahs? Since it is Film Friday, we made a video! Hope you enjoy the answer:
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Where is Q-tip? One would’ve thought he would be sitting in the rain absorbing all that rainwater. 😉
Rainy days are good for sleeping as long as it is not flooding.
Ahahaha love it!
Doesn’t the Queen resent being called evil? A diva yes, in charge of everything in her realm absolutely. I cannot imagine her being evil.
Natasha became the head of The Herd in 2006 when her “Mama Bear,” Nikita, passed. Natasha was only three years old, but claimed her right as leader. (Yes, that means she has been in charge for nearly a decade).
One of the things leaders learn with age is the ability to lead all with presence, and not with force. Nikita had that presence and would rarely raise her voice, and yet everypup knew she was in charge. Call her Queen Nikita the Benevolent.
Unfortunately, Natasha was so young, she was over the top in her need to establish her role and the nickname “Evil” was born.
As an example, Rusty the Rooster was curled up napping on the couch. Natasha walked by, grabbed him by the neck, pulled him out into mid-air and kept walking. Poor Rusty had the look of Wile E. Coyote on his face as he realized what had happened prior to gravity taking over.
And, thus, the nickname.
P.S. – Don’t tell QNTE, but Hu-Dad thinks she has mellowed with age. She can still yell as loud as ever, but she has a big sweet spot for Typhoon and his antics. Probably a little looking in the mirror to her.
Can she please make it stop raining in Texas?
The Queen saves the day again! ❤️❤️