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Queen Natasha the Evil might be approaching her 13th birthday in two weeks, but she reminded Q-Tip – Don’t mess with the Queen.
The situation was simple – dinner was being prepared. Qannik was, as always, very excited about the fact that dinner was going to be delivered again today – just like it has been every single day before for years and years. When a Q-Tip gets excited, he gets bouncy. And bouncy is as bouncy does and next thing he knew . . .
The offense was clear. Q, in his exuberance, bumped into the Queen. The reaction was immediate. She chased him from the deck into the middle of the yard, yelling at him every step of the way. Feeling her duty as Queen was done, she returned to the deck and her crate for dinner. Then – and only then – Qannik quietly slinked back to the deck, apoligized for his error, and ate his dinner.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
She did have very strict rules and someone just had to test them!!????
Like Natasha, Juno was a dominant female. She’d occasionally mount a male or put her front leg on their back to show that dominance and out in public no less. I’d get the ‘how old is he’ question. It was embarrassing and funny at the same time.
Until today, when we have no females in The herd, a female has always been the head of the pack. We jokingly says it helps the boys know what to think if a female tells them. Any connection to humans is purely coincidental.
Oh the Queen. So miss her and QNTE. How would Boom Boom do with her ?? Love all the way back Wednesdays.
We had a Queen once also.. Never mess with a Queen.
I had forgotten this incident with QNTE. It makes me wonder how Boom Boom would fare. Thanks for the morning smile.
The Queen REALLY took her responsibilities VERY seriously. Poor Quannik though-he didn’t mean to bounce into her!
Our Holly, who is 10 1/2, is much like the Queen. If the younger dogs play too rough near her, and it looks like there is even a slight chance that they will bump or touch her, she makes sure they know it!
She’s is beautiful
Natasha, you are one pretty pup! (Q tip you are very handsome). QNTE, I keep expanding your photos to get a better look at you. You could get away with anything with that face, lol.
Poor Q….sometimes it just doesn’t pay to get that excited! A Queen has to do what a Queen has to do…order must be maintained. Sorry Q!!!
Mom sez: Good for ‘Tasha! I just wish Ice would stand up for himself like that, against Ebby. he just lets her get away with it, and walks off!