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We mentioned the wrestling match between Queen Natasha and Qannik. Many readers requested, so here are pictures of the senior division wrestling.
While our common wrestling partners are Cheoah and Typhoon – or Cheoah, Typhoon and Frankie, we also have a senior division that loves to wrestle. Natasha and Qannik are usually good for a brief wrestling match every day.
Zoomies might be a step slower and the wrestling matches are not quite the body slam events that the Juniors participate in, but the matches can still be quite loud.
In case you were wondering, Chief of Security Kiska participates as well – as the Head Referee. She does, after all, have to protect her Queen, even from the Q-Tip.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
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I’ve read your blog for quite a long time. Suppose it’s time to begin commenting. Typhoon is my favorite which I’m sure does not surprise you.
Welcome to commenting. And Typhoon thanks you for the support.
I love seeing the senior team in wrastling mode! Looking good sweethearts ❤️
Mom sez: Seems like the “Senior Sibe” matches are much more “genteel” almost “poetry in motion”. Civilized, even!