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We were trying to be good for Hu-Dad’s birthday plus it was one of those off and on drizzle days, so yesterday was a low energy day.
Hu-Dad was working away in his study on some kind of busyness project. We would have distracted him, but it was something about earning kibble and we are big fans of that.
But the weather outside was drizzly and dreary, hardly a day made for wrestling matches in Sibe Quentin.
So we thought we would entertain the Hu-Dad with some soft stirring and random trip hazards sprawled across the floor. He was clearly appreciative because he often thanked us for our helpfulness and industriousness.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Everybody should have a low energy day once in awhile. Rain does make my gang sleepy.
Mom sez: Though Frankie’s position hasn’t changed, the eyes have, so can tell it’s three different photos. Good man, Frankie, at least you’re not causing a hazard by tripping the hu-Dad.
You’re having what we in the Rockies had for several days. My pack wasn’t motivated either. I think we’re supposed to follow their example to lay low and nap. zzzz
Even high energy working Sibes need a low energy day here and there❤️