Break Time Approved?

Hu-Dad looked outside and realized that the Chief of Security was taking a little break time. Was this approved by the boss?

Chief of Security taking a little break time.

Chief of Security taking a little break time.

All was quiet, so Hu-Dad glanced outside to see that everyone was being good. Much to his surprise, he noticed that the Chief of Security appeared to be taking a nap. Had such behavior been approved by the Queen?

What are you looking at. Hu-Dad?

What are you looking at. Hu-Dad?

Of course, the answer came back quickly and forcefully. Of course the Queen had approved of this arrangement. As tight as Natasha and Kiska are, there should never be any doubt that they always have each other’s back.

I've got this, Hu-Dad.

I’ve got this, Hu-Dad.


  1. Zoe on April 27, 2016 at 5:05 am

    Hu-dad you dare to question the loyalty and obedience of chief of security
    I see a special song of their people sung just for you in protest… As soon as she wakes up
    Seriously it should make your heart feel good that Kiska feels comfortable enough to rest it means the Queen is feeling well, does she leave her post as right hand and care taker when the Queen feels bad? Vets are wonderful but the tribe is the best measure of how they each feel because they KNOW!!!
    Ps. I swear it looks like the queen is running you off so as not to disturb Kiska

  2. Mom, Ice 'n Ebby on April 27, 2016 at 4:07 am

    Mom sez: EverySibe needs a break at some point. As long as ‘Tasha is there to cover in the meantime, I’d think things are safe and secure.

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