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Hu-Dad says sharing an RV with six Siberian Huskies requires management of our Energy Cycle. We don’t know what that means, but we sure walk a lot.
Like we do at home, we wake up with the sunrise and are ready to get outside and have fun. Hu-Dad is an early riser, too, so he loves us tackling the morning with enthusiasm. And off we go walking.
And do we walk. A long walk in the morning. A mid-day walk. An evening walk. And Hu-Dad watches that youngster in the above picture to see if he is making any dent in his energy level. The goal is this . . .
You might think Hu-Dad has failed. But he just waits a few more minutes until he sees this.
And Hu-Dad smiles.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Your Hu-Dad must have great endurance! Whenever I board the dogs at mine I am exhausted by the time I achieve ‘good dog’!
The youngsters always seem to have endless energy. Bree is up every morning at 6:30am and finally crashes mid-afternoon for a nap.