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We are always asked what it is like to be RVing canines and camp in different places. Our answer is simple – same games, different place.
This weekend is going to be a perfect spring weekend, so we packed up the RV and headed into Tennessee to Big Ridge State Park. We go to this park a couple of times a year, so we are familiar with it. And, our days are pretty much the same as they are at home.
Yes, they have big dogs just like our neighbor does at home. We like saying hello to them, though Hu-Dad continues to insist on that “respect them from a distance” rule just like at home.
So, yes, we have family walks and see big dogs. What else is the same as at home?
What can we say? Typhoon insists on keeping life interesting no matter where we are hanging out.
Oh, but there is one big difference when we are RV camping. Rather than hanging out in Sibe Quentin, our hang out is slightly different:
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Mom sez: My feelings are the same as Kimberly Parker. I’m still sure that Typhoon IS Rusty reincarnated!
Oh, Typhoon! Every time I see you walk like that I think about Rusty!! I’d never seen a dog walk like that, and now I’ve seen two of them. Surely he was sent by Russty to keep you all amused.
Have a wonderful time away beautiful herd❤️
Just curious do you always put the tribe in the same order on the picket line or does it really matter what order they are in?
I have wondered the same thing. From memory I think they are in the same order, although I’ve often wondered why Kiska isn’t next to Natasha, as I think you said she prefers to be with?