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Any humans with multiple dogs knows the scariest noise – the sound of silence. The quiet was so loud, Hu-Dad had to go check it out.
Hu-Dad was working away in his study when he realized how quiet the house was. Fearing the worst, he began a nose count. The seniors were outside, snoring in the sunshine. And, Frankie, as already noted, is usually within tripping distance of the Hu-Dad at any moment. But where were the other two? A search found the munchkin fairly quickly.
Sorry to disappoint, Dear Readers, but Typhoon was peacefully napping in the den. Miracles do happen. Or, more likely, he is lulling Hu-Dad into a false sense of security. But that still left the red-headed Cheesewhiz. And what was she up to?
Go ahead, Hu-Dad. Relax. Trust us. What trouble would we cause?
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
hello thundering herd its dennis the vizsla dog hay for sum reezon my mama and dada also git verry suspishsus wen it is kwiet heer and it is just the too of us!!! and also for sum reezon wen it is kwiet they go lukking for saya now insted of me!!! i hav no ideea why!!! ok bye
Our Bree does that. When it’s too quiet she is usually up to something naughty. Maybe Ty is growing up now.
Clearly this is not the Hu-Dad’s first Sibe Rodeo. Although I’m really betting on trying to lull you into a false sense of security…
Mom sez: Oh, hu-Dad, “ye of little faith” — how could you possibly be suspicious of the peacefully slumbering Herd? (Just make note of the date and time, it may never happen again!)