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We are very firm believers in the phrase, “If it quacks like a duck, it is a duck,” even if Hu-Dad tries to explain that there is no duck.
We had a great Sunday afternoon walk in Carrier Park in Asheville, one of our favorite walking parks. As we were loading into the Jeep, we kept hearing this “Quack. Quack” sound. Qannik and Kiska were the most intent on finding our fowl little friend, but all we could see is a kid blowing into his hands while holding a blade of grass.
Hu-Dad tried and tried to explain that the noise we were hearing was coming from that kid, but he sure didn’t look like a duck to us.
Qannik tired of the game, but Kiska might still be looking for the duck.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Whoops-almost missed today’s Way Back Wednesday. The duck story is really funny and Kiska REALLY wanted that DUCK!!!!
Aww Kiska wasn’t giving up til she found that duck!! ???
Kiska photos are a favorite of mine.
Maybe woo should take a taste test of the quacker just to confirm!
Being the Chief of Security. Kiska can’t give up so easily
Kiska, he’s hiding the duck from you. He wants it for himself!
We agree, must have been a duck! BOL!!
Roasted duck
Peking duck
I think there is a dinner request there for you lol
Well as Chief of Security I’m sure Kiska is still on alert for the fowl little friend…