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When you are under pressure, it is important that you are always acting cool. Especially if the pressure if coming from a munchkin wanting to play.
Typhoon’s endless energy should be harnessed and sold as he is a perpetual motion machine. His siblings love wrestling and chasing with him . . . for a while. And then . . .
So if one sibling turns him down, Munchie just moves on to the next victim.
Not that the results are any different.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Haha I like the above suggestions!
That endless energy reminds me of Gatsby the Spitz – but it is directed towards humans! (Dogs she will have no part of.)
I agree! New puppy!!!
Mom sez: Hmmm, poor Typhoon. Maybe you’re just going to have to expand the Herd, and get him his own “tireless puppy” to keep him happy!