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Hanging out in our campsite on our picket line and Hu-Dad decided it was time for our close-ups. Time to get real close and personal!
Capturing a photo of Q-Tip without his water bowl is quite the challenge. He wants to make sure it stays very close to him. Don’t worry, though, because he was not the only pup failing to cooperate.
The rest of The Herd decided to cooperate with the photo shoot and gave us their best images.
Miss Kiska does not cease being the Chief of Security just because we are on vacation. She continues to monitor all movement near our campsite and alerts the Hu-Dad to any suspicious characters. That included a warning about a suspicious plastic grocery bag blowing in the wind, but that bag needed to be stopped!
Frankie doesn’t worry much about human movement (or plastic grocery bags), but he always alert to any canine movements.
Long-time blog readers know that Cheesewhiz does not worry about human, canine, or other movement around our campsite. Her goal is to dig the deepest hole possible. Yes, she has started on her excavation project of the week and Hu-Dad was amazed to capture a picture of Cheoah without dirt and sand all over her face.
Which brings us to the youngest member of The Herd – The Class Clown himself. He has only one thing to say:
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Our Hu-Dad shares the latest updates on his writing projects, the books he's reading, and other details in random musings posted on his website. You can check out his novels there as well.
Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
I just want to kiss all your noses?
I said hello yesterday after we arrived at the campground and you were walking The Herd. I said I was jealous, maybe not for six, but jealous nonetheless. Now that I’ve read your dogs stories, I’m in love. I have to share your stories. Diane
Thank you! We remember the conversation!