Laser Treatment Day

Cheoah and Natasha shared one of their favorite activities at the veterinarian’s office yesterday – laser treatment for arthritis.

Nothing like warm greetings as we walk in the door.

Nothing like warm greetings as we walk in the door.

Since having their TPLO surgeries and the diagnosis of arthritis, both have been receiving periodic laser treatment sessions. The laser is so warm and comforting that both dogs enjoy the treatment and look forward to it.

Has nothing to do with the peanut butter we get during treatment.

Has nothing to do with the peanut butter we get during treatment.

Fair enough. Ever since Kiska’s medical notes included the comment that she enjoyed peanut butter during her exams, every other member of The Herd has played the peanut butter card.

What is Natasha staring at?

What is Natasha staring at?

Hanging out in the waiting area is a lot of fun, too, getting to meet people and other canines. Of course, not everyone can handle the stare from Queen Natasha the Evil.

Don't worry, little one, we all have that reaction when the Queen focuses on us.

Don’t worry, little one, we all have that reaction when the Queen focuses on us.



  1. Lori on March 17, 2016 at 11:40 am

    Ah yes… My Black Lab/Rottie Ezekiel received those treatments for his arthritic hind legs. They helped him immensely! He was like a little boy again after treatment! I miss my baby boy. I’m glad you the Queen and Q tip have worked out a deal with the peanut butter! Good play cutie pies!

  2. Juno's mom on March 17, 2016 at 10:44 am

    Mine love the endorphin release after laser treatments. They are so relaxed. That, plus the green lipped mussel I add to their food has kept them so agile.

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