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Hu-Dad may work from home, but he still has difficult bosses. Of course, he should just get his work done and there would be no problem.
Hu-Dad claims to do lots of busy-ness from his study in the house, but we do wander in often to make sure work is getting done. Probably a really good thing because we supervise and make sure he gets his tasks complete.
Unfortunately, sometimes you have to play the role of stern boss and crack the whip. Every one of our readers has surely seen this look from their supervisor:
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
I’m sorry Typhoon… You could give me that adorable bossy look all day and all you’d get from me is hugs, kisses, cuddles and snuggles???
I love Typhoon’s markings. They add to his expressions that only he can give. You do an excellent job of capturing them. When I try to take pictures of my pup, she either gets way too close….or turns from me.