Security Patrols Must Go On

No matter what the weather – and we have had all types of weather this week – the security patrols must go on.

North fence line is secure.

North fence line is secure.

Our weather this week has been as crazy as ever – snow, sleet, freezing, rain, strong wind storms, a little sunshine, and back to snow – all in about a 36 hours period. One of the joys of mountain living – the weather will always surprise you.

A rolling stone may gather no moss, but a patrolling Kiska sure gathers snow flakes.

A rolling stone may gather no moss, but a patrolling Kiska sure gathers snow flakes.

No matter what the weather, The Herd takes perimeter security very seriously, so they can always be seen chasing away marauding rabbits.

Don't scoff at the rabbits.

Don’t scoff at the rabbits.

Woooo! Thank you, Dear Readers! Your contributions to this year’s Valentine’s Hearts for the Herd set an all-time record of $2,347 in donations to Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation. Those generous donations will help so many homeless dogs and cats find homes. We know you can hear the barks and meows of thanks for all of your help.

Unless we have any late donations coming in (always possible – we were still receiving some today), Natasha will just edge Qannik in total contributions raised – $546.25 to $510.25. And it looks like both Typhoon and Natasha upset long-time champion Frankie in total Valentines received – 97 to 73 to 71.

We want to really thank the work of the Youth of Sarge’s who worked so hard on this fundraiser. We are proud of their efforts.

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  1. Juno's mom on February 17, 2016 at 11:04 am

    Tartok and Ruby were good additions this year. Just wondering what country, other than the U.S., has the most fans of the herd?

    • The Thundering Herd on February 17, 2016 at 11:18 am

      Probably would not surprise anyone too much that the second most number of fans come from Canada, our neighbors to the North. From there, it is the U.K., Australia, Netherlands, Brazil, New Zealand, Germany, Singapore, and Japan.

      Believe it or not, Google Analytics reported that we had visitors from 139 countries on our website last year. Roughly 80% of our traffic comes from the United States, but the other 20% is spread all over the world.

  2. Ann Foose on February 17, 2016 at 8:33 am

    I’m curious, do the Valentines come mostly from blog readers or friends and family? Whoever they are, that is an awesome contribution being made to Sarge’s.

    • The Thundering Herd on February 17, 2016 at 9:18 am

      The Valentines have historically come from blog readers (friends and family support Sarge’s through their other fundraisers). The cool part is that they come from all over the United States and around the world.

      With the addition of the Youth of Sarge’s this year, those young men and women also drove Valentines cards and donations. It was a lot of fun opening a Valentine from one of their friends with a dollar, or two dollars, or three dollars in the card. Learning the value and reward of charity at a very early age.

      • Melon on February 18, 2016 at 5:42 am

        Aww, how fun and lovely indeed!

  3. Lori on February 17, 2016 at 8:14 am

    Through rain, snow, sleet, hail, high winds and sun… We. Will. Prevail. Coz We. Are. The. Thundering Herd! ❤️❤️❤️

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