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Our cousins joined us this year for the first time ever in the Valentines Hearts for the Herd – and there might be a little competition between them.
Yes, Ruby, the bad news is that your brother is ahead of you in the Valentines Hearts for The Herd contest. Wonder how he does it?
So Tartok says it is all in his eyes. How do you respond to that one, Ruby?
Happy Valentines, Dear Readers!
Yes, we have a total of donations for the Valentines Hearts for the Herd as of today, but we don’t have the latest donations made direct to Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation’s website (and, yes, you can still sneak in a donation there) and expect a few more will come into our mailbox this coming week. We will update again in a few days. We are so close to passing our record year of 2014 when we raised $2,133!
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Great job guys! You are truly Huskies with heart!
They are all such beautiful and handsome Valentines!
The Painter Pack
How wonderful! Happy Valentines Day to all of you❤️❤️❤️
How exciting! I hope the Herd member has received or will soon receive my Valentine to them!
Yes, we have received it! Thank you so much.
Oh goodie! Sorry for the awkward message, I didn’t want to ruin the surprise of which recipient if it hadn’t arrived! Thanks for letting me know, I just wanted to check as our postal service has changed lately.