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Hu-Dad’s movie watching partner gives Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid a “Two Ears Up” rating – though we should explain why.
We should explain that Hu-Dad has seen this movie only about eleventy-seven bazillion times. So, naturally, when he noticed it was on TV the other night, he decided to watch. You never know when his memory might fail him and he would not be able to recite every single line of the movie.
Hu-Dad’s movie watching partners were all softly snoring throughout the bedroom, though Cheoah did keep sitting up and staring at the screen during certain parts. After a bit, Hu-Dad realized that anytime the horses were clip-clopping in the movie, Cheesewhiz was riveted. Sorry Paul Newman and Robert Redford, but Cheoah only wanted to watch the Big Dogs.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
The Big Dogs!!???
CheeseWhiz So cute!!
CheeseWhiz was always adorable!!
LOVE this way back Wednesday and Cheoah’s AKA CheeseWhiz’s EARS so erect and eyes so big looking at the BIG DOGS!!!
Sooo cute!
One of the best movies! I believe one of my favourite lines to be, “bitch, bitch, bitch.” Ahem.
Aww CheeseWhiz I live watching the big dogs too❤️