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A day for a couple of members of the Herd to visit our vet – one for lasers and one to check weight. Let’s review the results!
You will remember that Typhoon (aka, Munchkin or Munchie) has been an extremely picky eater, ignoring meal after meal. At long last, we found a magical mix that would get Typhoon to eat every meal. He gets the Fromm Pate mixed in with his Acana Regional Flavors kibble that the rest of the Herd eats.
Yes, yes, it finally took serving the picky boy pate in order to get him to eat every meal. Since we started that combination, Typhoon has not missed a meal.
Sorry, Q-Tip, Typhoon was to gain weight and you were to lose weight. Anyway, Typhoon has now topped the scales at 42.9 lbs (19.5 kg), but still needs to gain a little over two more pounds to match his frame. Don’t worry, Q, you will still out weigh him by 10 or more pounds.
Cheesewhiz also went in to the vet for her monthly laser treatment. The laser does an amazing job lessening the effects of arthritis, loosening creaky joints, and helping the body feel young. And Cheoah can attest that she nearly falls asleep during the treatment it is so soothing.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
I also have a picky eater can you tell me where you get that wet food from I looked in our local stores and could not find it
We could not find it in any local store (despite the strong recommendations we could find online). The only sources we know of is Amazon or .
Always appreciate recommendations for higher end food and how well the herd is doing. We do get what we pay for. We also use laser and acupuncture. May have posted before that an additional supplement we add to food that produced noticeable results is green lip mussel. It’s called Joint Powder by Super Snouts. This shellfish has other health benefits besides arthritis.
I was wondering Cheoah’s secret for keeping up with the younger kids. Where can I sign up for my own laser treatment?
Amen to that. Leena wants to know if this is available for hoomans to try. She wants more walking than her hooman’s broken body can give her!
Good job Munchkin and QTip! You two are looking gorgeous?