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As our readers know, the Hu-Dad is creative with the various nicknames we each carry – from Q-Tip to Cheesewhiz to Frankenstein to Queen Natasha the Evil. So why is Typhoon now called Munchie?

Yes, I answer to Munchie. As much as any Siberian Husky answers to anything.
To understand the process, you must first understand the breed – Siberian Husky. We have a quite amusing and endearing trait (also sometimes called frustrating) of obeying commands when we choose – not when humans decide. Theory has it that we were trained as sled pullers to override a human’s direction if that command would lead the team over thin ice and danger. Thus, you give a Siberian Husky a command, and we first decide whether the command is appropriate before deciding to obey – or not. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

I don’t wanna do what I am told.
Now don’t get us wrong. Siberians can be trained to obey. Hu-Dad remembers watching a Siberian Husky in an obedience trial obeying every single command. Of course, in true Siberian Husky fashion, the dog was loudly expressing his opinion the whole time in our creative and extensive vocabulary. We may not bark, but we can be quite expressive in a Wookie kind of way.

So why is one of my nicknames Munchie?
The end result is that Hu-Dad spends a lot of time training us and dealing with our “creative” decision making. And that means calling our name over and over and over some days. Anytime you repeat a word a lot, sometimes the wrong word falls out. Like the day Hu-Dad accidentally called Cheoah “Cheesewhiz” – and it stuck.
So Typhoon (originally named Ty) was being obstinate and Hu-Dad referred to his small-size by calling him a Munchkin. Actually, the exact phrase was something along the lines of “Now look, Munchkin.”
Anyway, Munchkin stuck and one day Hu-Dad stumbled over that word and out came “Munchie.” It very much stuck and Typhoon now responds to Munchie.
Well, as much as a Siberian Husky responds to anything.

I am not amused.
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Ordinary Goodness
February 26, 2025
An airplane crash. The plane came to rest upside down. The passengers hung from their seatbelts. And then came the ordinary goodness.
My three Pembroke Welsh Corgis have lots of nicknames, too, many not printable. This is another breed that thinks for itself, especially when food, or what they perceive as food, is involved.
If you check out the dogs page ( ), note that Hu-Dad’s very first adult dog was a Pembroke Welsh Corgi mix – so he is quite familiar with their personalities! We think Cocoa trained him well to deal with us.
My daughter and her bf are going to get a Corgi. She insists that after dealing with the huskies for years, a Corgi will be a breath of fresh air. I wonder!
We have lots of nicknames in the Husky Hijinx Household also…Jackson is Jack, fathead, mitts (he has giant feet), Andy is Red, Clifford (the big red dog), Jessy is bug, baby bug, bunny butt, and Daisy May is Daisy Maizy, Maizy moo, and moo moo. They all answer to all of them! I never really thought much about it but just so you know, The Thundering Herd is not alone,…Husky Hijinx has lots of nicknames too! Happy Holidays!.
Ice sez: When I came to live with my hu-Mom & Dad, my registered name was “Debalys Summer Ice”, which was quickly shortened to just “Ice”. Then the hu-Mom decided that was TOO short to get any emphasis (whatever THAT is!) out of it, so I became “Ice-Man”, and I kinda like that.
Ebby sez: When I came to live with the hu-Mom & Dad, my registered name was “Debalys Ebony & Ivory”. ‘Way too long, so I was just called “Ebony”. That sounded too formal, so my hu-Mom re-named me “Ebby”, and that sometimes gets shortened to “Ebbz”, which I kinda like, too.