Yard Time Between Rains

With over 8 inches (20 cm) of rain this month – half of that in the last week and more coming, we are extremely soggy. So we are taking advantage of some yard time between rains.

Queen Natasha and Qannik exploring Sibe Quentin.

Queen Natasha and Qannik exploring Sibe Quentin.

This time of year, our yard is usually covered in snow. In fact, our first snowfall is usually some time between the last week of October and mid-November. This winter has been so weird that we have yet to have any measurable snow and the calendar year is almost over. In fact, our temperatures have been in the 60’s the last two days. Remember that we have not seen 80º for the last several summers, so 60’s in the winter is extremely warm.

Chief of Security Kiska takes her job seriously no matter what the weather.

Chief of Security Kiska takes her job seriously no matter what the weather.

Our temperatures remain warm this week until New Year’s Eve when we are finally supposed to have some normal (i.e., below freezing) weather. We can only hope that snow will not be far behind.

Hey, Hu-Dad, why don't you have this weather under control yet?

Hey, Hu-Dad, why don’t you have this weather under control yet?


  1. Lori on December 28, 2015 at 10:22 am

    I’m sorry you’ve had such strange weather beautiful Herd… I hope the coming cold brings you the gift of lots and lots of fluffy white snow!!!

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