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You may wonder why we would highlight that there are 364 days until Christmas 2016, but we have a really good explanation of why we care.
This whole Santa Claus thing is tough what with him tracking who has been naughty and who has been nice. We are, after all, Siberian Huskies. Naughty is genetic for us.
Anyway, it was Christmas afternoon. Hu-Dad was in the middle of making himself a sandwich. The phone in his study rang. He looked at Cheoah, the only dog in the kitchen, and thought of how well she behaves. He pushed the sandwich far back on the counter – well out of her reach – and went to answer the phone.
No suspense here, right? Hu-Dad returns to find his sandwich missing and a very satisfied Cheoah licking her lips. And what was her response to the question of why she had been naughty?
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It is absolutely in the DNA of northern breeds to be naughty!
Herd 1, Humans 0
Hahahaha!!! Sweet Cheoah got a little snackie. And she looks so content.