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As we are approaching the shortest day of the year, our walks are in the sunset and shadows even though we walked shortly after 4.
You might notice that we are walking in the middle of Cataloochee Ranch. Our big dog friends – that special breed known as horses – have left the mountain top for their winter home. We love our big dog friends, but we also love being able to walk through the ranch.
As we walked back from the horse barn (er, big dog barn), we noticed that we had picked up some friends for the walk home.
As we dropped back down behind the ridge toward our house, our shadow friends went away (and, amazingly, so did the sunshine). But we did enjoy our walk.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Rock on, Typhoon! 🙂
Mom sez: Shades of Rusty! Is Typhoon Rusty reincarnated? Now HE’S walking backwards? Scary thought!
It looks like such a beautiful place to walk with that gorgeous Herd❤️