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Your vocabulary word of the day—desire path—a short-cut trail created from the erosion caused by animal foot-falls or by humans.
Desire paths are so-named because that is the desired route. They can often be seen where humans have tried to establish an “official” route with sidewalks or hiking trails, but others come along and create a more desired route. Some psychologists say humans create them because of an innate desire to rebel against official rules.
We appreciate the whole concept of rebelling against authority. We are, after all, Siberian Huskies. As a breed, we thrive on overruling our humans when they ask the incomprehensible of us.
With over four inches (10 cm) of rain in the last four days, we seem to be tracking mud into the house more than usual. Hu-Dad has accused us of creating our own indoor paths.
Hu-Dad has placed mats at the doors and asked us to wipe our paws, but that doesn’t seem to be working very well. He decided to ask our fearless leader to reduce the indoor tracking.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Long live the Queen.
Verry very funny Hu-Dad, more when you still trying us wip our paws, jeje!, how is the indoor path in new house?
Wednesdays always bring a smile! Whats a little mud..
Wow – those paths through the lawn are really something! I didn’t realise that could happen! The ones in the house, on the other hand, I expected…
That face is precious! And I think the dogs have you beat on this one. Better to start hoping for snow – then everyone will be happy.=)
We just call them goat trails!
Ice sez: We know about desire paths, too. Ours goes all around the inside of the fence, with a couple of “short-cuts” through the centre. Me ‘n Ayla had our paths pretty well worn in, and now, me ‘n Ebby are keeping them worn. In winter, you can see them in the snow, and those paths are always packed so hard over the winter that by the time spring comes, they’re like an “ice road” and the last to melt.