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When something is really, really important, almost does not count. Since snow is such a big part of happy Siberian Huskies, this rule is particularly true when it comes to fluffy precipitation. Yesterday morning certainly started off the right way.
Our weather forecast was for periods of snow flurries with around a half inch of accumulation. A little later in the winter, we will not even go outside for that little, but we have been begging for snow for weeks. The excitement was rampant. Games were being played. Celebrations had begun. And then . . .
. . . it stopped. Our glorious snow flakes just ceased. The games swiftly became a search mission for any snow that had actually stuck to the ground.
And what comes after disappointment? Blame.
Clearly this is all Hu-Dad’s fault. Who else could possibly be responsible for teasing us with a few minutes of snow? And if you think only Kiska was thinking that, check out these pictures.
So Hu-Dad is hoping for some snow soon . . . or the mutiny will begin.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Oh, you guys!!
I understand their frustrations. I looked at pictures of several snow dogs enjoying their snow. All poor Tokyo got was rain. It will come….
Aw puppies! I’m sorry for your disappointment? But I know that hu-dad is working hard to bring loads of snow for you? It’s coming sweethearts???❤️❤️❤️