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We know we should be thankful as we approach Thanksgiving, but we are complaining loudly about our warm weather. Where is our winter wonderland?
The last year that our first snow was this late was 2009. The only good part of that winter was that once it started, it just did not want to stop (the ski area was open to mid-April in the spring of 2010). But that is next spring – we want our snow now.
Hu-Dad says we are a little like kids on a vacation asking, “Are we there yet?” every five minutes, except that we are singing:
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Funny the exact same thing is happening here in Spain. So little rain and no snow. Our ski centre has only managed to open 2km of piste, it’s been so warm. Like you in the winter of 2009/10 it did the same thing, started raining around 21st Dec and didn’t stop for 3 months. We had so much snow it lasted all year, even through an Andalucian summer. Now the funny thing is both the winter or 2009/10 and 2015/16 are El Nino years, so who knows maybe a similar pattern will happen again, late, but once it starts there maybe no stopping it 🙂
It just so happens that since I don’t follow too many blogs, it feels like my blogroll is full of huskies wishing for snow! Ah!
Waiting on a Winter Wonderland….
Huskies sing
Are you listening?
In the lane
Snow is missing
A sorrowful sight
We’re unhappy tonight
Waiting on a winter wonderland….
Snow in Chicago. Amarok was soooo happy! We can pack some to send your way!
Aw puppies no snow here either! (But it never snows in SW Florida)???❤️?
Snow in Ohio. C’mon up!
Ice ‘n Ebby say: We’re kind of wondering the same thing here. We have no snow either. The weatherman keeps promising, but we just came in from outside for the night because the temperature is +5°C (41°F) at 1:45 a.m. NOVEMBER 22, with a howling wind that we both hate. Where is winter?