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Yes, yes, we have arrived. Ok, sure, we are so tired. Seven hours of driving in the S-RV (Siberian Recreational Vehicle), but we arrived in time for a nice long walk, a dinner in the campsite, and an early bed time.
This is our Fall Beach Trip to Huntington Beach State Park in Murrells Inlet, SC. Huntington is one of our favorite RV parks and we visit it 2-3 times a year – but only in the cooler weather.
Once we got our walk done, we hung out in the campsite for a little while on our picket line, but every pup was really tired.
Even our most energetic member was a little lethargic after the long ride (and a big dinner).
While Typhoon tried to pretend he could stay awake, other members of our tribe didn’t even try to pretend.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Mom sez: Oh, my! And here I thought Typhoon was old enough now to “sleep through the night”, like the rest of the “big dogs”!
Typhoon says being a mischievous puppy is significantly more fun than growing up.
Does that mean everybody gets to go out for a quick break at 4:00 am? What’s your routine?
No, that was strictly one youngster who is named after a natural disaster. Everyone else was quite content to continue to sleep.
Will they sleep through the whole night or are you expecting a 4am walk request?
Monty and Harlow
Almost 4 am on the nose. Starting today, we will have multiple walks a day which, hopefully, translates to solid nights of sleep.
Aw these happy precious babies❤️❤️❤️