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Saturday was rainy all day long, so when Sunday dawned clear and bright, Hu-Dad had a plan. Seems he decided that we were going to do lots of hiking and walking because he was trying to make sure we were super tired. You know, that old “A Tired Sibe is a Good Sibe” thing he keeps saying. Anyway, we would like to protest that we are not tired.
Ok, so maybe Typhoon might have been a little tired, but surely his big brother has plenty of energy.
Hmmm, both Typhoon and Frankie were tired. And we all know the Senior Team was off to bed early. That leaves things up to our resident red head to resist.
Drats. Hu-Dad seems to have won one round. Guess we have to let him win every now and then to keep it interesting.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Mom sez: Must have been a WONDERFUL hike! Wish I could send Ebby down there to share in some of those adventures!
Oh my goodness❤️ Tired Sibes are precious?