Great Escape and Other Vet Tails

Yesterday, two members of The Herd had vet appointments and one of them executed a great escape. We will let you guess which one and reveal it at the end of our post.

Typhoon Weigh-In

Typhoon Weigh-In Challenge

As we discussed a couple of weeks ago, Typhoon had, once again, hit a streak of food finickiness, essentially refusing meal after meal. We took him to the vet (again), his blood work checked out fine (again), and we changed his diet (again). Yesterday was his weigh-in and he had gained from 40.3 lbs to 40.8 lbs. Ok, we were hoping for more, but at least it is directionally correct. And he has not skipped a meal in days. Next weigh-in will happen in about two weeks.

Natasha re-check time

Natasha re-check time

Ever since having a massive mass removed from her liver in July, we have celebrated Natasha’s enthusiasm, energy and zest for life; but we have also monitored her health very closely. Yesterday was one of those check-up days where we had an ultrasound performed. Details to come (we promise!).

And that leads us to the question – which one of these rascals executed the great escape effort at the vet’s office.

great escape confession

You didn’t guess the runt, did you? Because it was all me!

Yes, yes, Queen Natasha the Evil decided she had had enough. The fact that she has had two major surgeries in the last year is not relevant. The fact that she was partially sedated so that the ultrasound could be done is not relevant. The fact that she is twelve years old is not relevant.

She was tired of being in her recovery crate so she opened her door and tried to go for a walk-a-bout.

P.S. – No worries. The staff caught her within a couple of steps (that sedation might have slowed her down by a step or two), but they were all amused at her crate opening skills. Hu-Dad just shrugged and muttered something about Siberian Husky Escape Skills.



  1. Melon on October 10, 2015 at 2:07 am

    Love The Painter Pack’s comment, and at least it’s the right direction with Typhoon. Seems like some pups will always have those weight issues, but you sound like a wonderful dog-parent!

  2. Koda and Sue on October 9, 2015 at 1:49 pm

    Yay Qnte keep’em guessing what your 12 yr old young self will do next. And loving the good u/s results.

    Tytg …, Good boy on the .5 gain!!

  3. The Painter Pack on October 9, 2015 at 8:08 am

    Hoping for all great marks from the vet! And sometimes, even a Queen wants to walk about among the common people. You know, just to keep it real!

    The Painter Pack

  4. Padma on October 9, 2015 at 7:22 am

    You go, girl! Obviously, Natasha is feeling fine, which is great news.

  5. Lori on October 9, 2015 at 7:08 am

    You are a wise ol’ girl Queen N! Keep up the good health work??

  6. Zoe on October 9, 2015 at 4:37 am

    Prayers for their good health

    And we guessed correctly can’t keep the queen down!!!

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