Superior Canine Logic

Hu-Dad is always amazed and mystified at the superior canine logic that we possess. For example, we have had rainy day after rainy day this week and everything is just soaking wet. Hu-Dad looks out the windows and sees . . .

Typhoon sitting in the rain exhibiting superior canine logic.

Typhoon sitting in the rain.

Yes, Typhoon, we know that you are named after a very large storm full of rain. Every day, we are reminded of the irony of you being named after a natural disaster. But isn’t there something better to do than sit in the rain?

something else

Yes, I am ready for something else.

Excellent. And now that your Siberian fur is soaked from all of the rain, what is next in your plan?

hugs from Hu-Dad

Headed inside to snuggle with Hu-Dad. He always reacts with such delight to soaked dog fur.

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  1. Chris on October 3, 2015 at 3:38 pm

    Don’t forget the full bodied shake to share your furs with everyone!

  2. Lori on October 3, 2015 at 8:33 am

    Time for wet soggy cuddles right Typhoon?

  3. Koda and Sue on October 3, 2015 at 8:32 am

    Yes although Koda isn’t a natural disaster, he sure thinks his soaking wet fur needs to be shared every time he comes in from outside.

    Please oh please stop raining on the east coast soon. Ughh

  4. Susan McManus on October 3, 2015 at 8:25 am

    I adore Typhoon. Tokyo and I had a similar experience this morning. Puppies!

  5. Mom, Ice 'n Ebby on October 3, 2015 at 3:10 am

    Mom sez: And oh, the wonderful aroma of wet, soggy-doggy Siber fur! Simply can’t beat it!

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