Alternatives to Foggy Nights

Hu-Dad had terrific plans for Sunday evening – setting up the camera and doing a time-lapse photography sequence of the lunar eclipse. Unfortunately, Mother Nature had other plans and gave a very fog coveredĀ evening. Exactly what alternatives are there during foggy nights?



Yes, yes, Typhoon, pouting is certainly a viable alternative. Hu-Dad considered that one as a very logical reaction to the weather interfering with his photography plans.

dough-eyed approach

Doe-eyed approach

Frankie, only you can do the dough-eyed look so well that Mother Nature might have yielded. However, you prefer to use that look to maximize belly rub time (a quite respectable reason), so Hu-Dad didn’t think that would work.

Go find other mischief

Go find other mischief.

Excellent choice, Typhoon. Hu-Dad just picked up a book and decided to do some reading.

Since Hu-Dad does not have a lunar eclipse time-lapse to share with you, we thought we would share some photos of elk that he captured recently. Not quite the same as a lunar eclipse, but they are fun anyway. Just click here for all of the photos.

Bull elk

Bull elk in Cataloochee Valley. Photo by the Hu-Dad.

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Mama Bear Warning

July 12, 2024

Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targetsā€”us. Her warning was clear.

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