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Yesterday, we told you about Frankie’s challenge with the noise from fighter jets practicing in the skies above us. We also mentioned that we were unable to capture any pictures of the jets because of the fog that had us enveloped.
So, Typhoon, if the noises were not made by fighter jets, exactly what were we hearing flying around so fast?
Ok, ok, enough suspense and build up. Let’s see it. What was the noise we heard flying around?
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
hello thundering herd its dennis the vizsla dog hay it wuz typhoon??? that is fortchoonat indeed i thawt it mite hav ben aliens in spayships gallavanting arownd up their!!! ok bye
I can quite believe you, Typhoon! It’s amazing your dad managed to capture you on camera at all!
That is the first time we have actually SEEN the sound barrier being broken.
And all these years I though it was sonic booms
When it was typhoon booms !!!!
Mystery solved
Thanks Typhoon!! You have solved the booming noises at our house! We always assumed that it was practice drills from Camp Pendelton! Thanks you to the herd for giving us our daily smile, chuckle or haha for the day <3