Big Dog Traffic Jam & Book of the Week

Hu-Dad had some errands to run so Queen Natasha the Evil went along to make sure he didn’t get into trouble. She was not overly impressed with the trip until we were returning home and ran into a serious big dog traffic jam.

finally going home?

Are we finally going home?

Our route from town is through a valley and up a mountain road. Once we reach the top, we have to drive through a thousand acre ranch because the only road cuts right through the middle of the ranch. We live between the ranch and the ski area.

traffic jam

Whoa, Hu-Dad. Look at that traffic jam.

Since we are driving through the ranch, the residents who live there always have the right of way. Sometimes, though, they are not in much hurry.

Who is driving on our road?

Who is driving on our road?

Notice that they found a nice shady spot on the road and had no intention of leaving. Natasha didn’t mind because she loves our big dog neighbors.


We will really appreciate all of the positive comments about our book of the week posts. Hu-Dad loves to share books that he has read.

Last week, we mentioned Let the Dogs Speak! which follows four puppies as they are being trained for Canine Companions for Independence. CCI does some amazing things.

What you may not be aware of is that CCI also has a very famous author as an honorary board member – Dean Koontz. Those of you who are fans of Koontz’s books are aware that he often has a canine character. Despite having so many canine characters, Koontz did not have a dog himself for many years until Trixie came on the scene, a three-year old retired service dog from CCI.

Combining a special dog with a gifted author produces a terrific book that all canine fans will enjoy. Amazon fans agree giving the book an average 4.7 stars out of 5.

Disclosure – The link above connects you to Amazon who does pay us a small commission if you purchase the book from that link.

If you have a book that you think we will enjoy, please share it with us. If we enjoy it, it might become a book of the week.


  1. Erin on July 15, 2015 at 4:03 pm

    As a dog trainer and near certifiable behavior nerd…I think everyone should read Don’t Shoot the Dog by Karen Pryor and anything by Patricia McConnell.
    For just some good reading…I would try Winterdance by Gary Paulsen .

    • The Thundering Herd on July 15, 2015 at 5:47 pm

      Winterdance was funny, entertaining, and enlightening. Patricia McConnell is our go to person for dog training. Both will be featured in upcoming Book of the Week selections.

      We have not read Don’t Shoot the Dog and will. Thanks for the recommendation.

  2. rottrover on July 14, 2015 at 11:11 am

    I LOVE A Big Little Live. I have the audio version read by Koontz and I’ve listened to it numerous times. I’m sure you’ve read The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. Another of my favorites 🙂 Are sibes as talented as rotties in their role as ‘reading assistants?’ A dog to cuddle with makes reading even better!!

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