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Once again, we had rain showers yesterday. As we were moping about what to do, Hu-Dad decided it was a great day to break out the Air Force Commander and blow the excess fur out of our coats. As Siberian Huskies, we always have some excess fur and Hu-Dad sends it blowing in the wind.
So, wait, we aren’t brushed? Of course we are. But for heavy duty undercoat removal, Hu-Dad pulls out the blower. Most of us really like the blower, though some might like it way more than others.
Ok, Cheoah might LOVE the blower but she also loves being brushed. Kiska likes the blower because it doesn’t hit tangles like a brush does. And if you had velcro hair like Kiska does, you know there are lots and lots of tangles.
In fact, only one of us does not like the blower.
Typhoon’s challenge is he hates being brushed. Hates being plucked. Hates the blower. So, in conclusion, Typhoon hates the entire fur removal process.
By the way, we also really like the picture above because you can see the flying fur in the background. Sibe Quentin looks like a snow storm hit when Hu-Dad pulls out the blower.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
I recently discovered Maddox likes being vacuumed. I bet he would like this!
I would love to have one of those, but there is no way in this world that Mya Boo Boo would let me near her with it. She hates the vacuum! She also hates hates hates hates being brushed or plucked. She and Typhoon would get along just fine!!
Let the fur fly!
The Painter Pack
Ok that’s amazing going to go look
Gah. I also have one of those “Hates the Entire Fur Removal Process” boys. I love the idea of the blower, but I’m pretty sure Winter wouldn’t let me anywhere near him with it. Thankfully, we’re close to the end of the biggest, baddest coat blow he’s ever had. At the age of four, his cold weather coat was something to behold and touch this last time. I should have at least a short respite before we go through the process all over again. Hugs and pets to the Herd!