Pout Time (And a Book Recommendation)

Typhoon decided that this was perfect moment for a pout time. Let’s just check out this first picture.

not talking to anyone

I am not talking to anyone.

So why is he pouting? Do you notice something in the bottom center of the photo? Yes, that would be a leash. Yes, he has been tethered in the house again.

I was framed.

Framed. I was framed.

Sigh. Typhoon is three years old and yet continues to think that acting like a puppy is the best strategy in life.

never learn

That boy will never learn.

Dear Readers – We wanted to take a moment to make a book recommendation – Heart Dog: Surviving the Loss of Your Canine Soul Mate. Losing a dog is always difficult and many of us followed the trials and tribulations as Roxanne Hawn dealt with the issues that Lilly had with a bad reaction to the rabies shot. And any of us who have had that very special dog – a heart dog  – pass, knows how difficult that experience is. Roxanne has taken her experiences and put them in a powerful book.

(As we always do, the full disclosure is that the link above is an affiliate link and we do receive a few cents if you buy the book. If that bothers you – go buy the book without using the link. You will pay exactly the same thing either way and the author receives the same royalty either way. As our blog has become increasingly popular, the cost has grown and we use affiliate revenue to help offset the cost.)


  1. The Ao4 on June 30, 2015 at 1:50 pm

    My mom has threatened to umbilical cord ME lately, too. Can you believe that?!?! Crazy. Just plain crazy.
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  2. Mom, Ice 'n Ebby on June 30, 2015 at 11:40 am

    Mom sez: I know, when we first lost MY “Heart Dog”, Ayla, (it will be two years in October), I was devastated, and in many ways, am STILL grieving for her, so I am very interested in getting Roxanne Hawn’s book.
    I wasn’t the only one grieving, either. Ice totally withdrew himself when he lost his daughter (Ayla). Now, with Ebby (his granddaughter) coming into our family in March, he’s coming to life again, and at 13-years-old, has begun playing, wagging and flagging his tail again, and they are bonding more and more every day. Ebby was three years old in March, and like her Aunty Ayla, was/is STILL a puppy, so maybe there’s hope for Ty.

  3. jan on June 30, 2015 at 11:13 am

    Run free, Typhoon

  4. KJ Pierson on June 30, 2015 at 11:02 am

    The correct age to stop acting like a puppy is the same as it is to quit acting like a kid as a hooman…NEVER! Run Typhoon, RUN!

  5. Roxanne @ Champion of My Heart on June 30, 2015 at 10:05 am

    Thanks so much for mentioning the grief book. I really appreciate the help.

  6. rottrover on June 30, 2015 at 10:04 am

    Ty, I used to have to be tethered in the house when I first came here! It was so exciting, but Bart and Ruby were NOT amused. Finally mom took me to the beach. I ran and ran and went into the water and chased my friend Wizard the labradoodle, and finally, finally, I have calmed down. I feel your pain, bro.


    • vince porrazzo on June 30, 2015 at 10:41 am

      Good for you. Silky was too quiet so we got Nacho as a companion. Now she is a puppy again, jumping and running and bumping too. Just the way a Sibe should be . They are puppies forever I think, Great dogs.

  7. vince porrazzo on June 30, 2015 at 8:17 am

    Back to the pouting story please! What terrible thing did Typhoon do to qualify for such punishment? He looks really sad. My Sibe Silky looks like that when we catch her sneaking into the house without invitation.

    • The Thundering Herd on June 30, 2015 at 8:34 am

      Chuckling. The usual crimes. Excessive speed inside the house. Unnecessary roughness in tackling a sibling. Failure to yield when the Hu-Dad commands it.

      • vince porrazzo on June 30, 2015 at 9:36 am

        Ah, just the usual Sibe crimes. My Sibe Silky is 18 months old and we just got a 3 month old Sibe we named Nacho. Silky is like a puppy now. Jumps on him and play bites and hits him with her butt. He’s grumpy but seems to enjoy it too. I have to chase them out of the kitchen or they will wreck it. We are so happy we got Nacho and Silky is too despite the rough and tumble activities. They are such characters.
        MY first time with Sibes, I used to have German Shepherds and a Yellow Lab. Lots of fun.

        We hope Typhoon gets out of jail soon.

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